Unser Versprechen ist es, Ihnen dabei zu helfen, Ihre Umweltbelastung zu verringern, indem wir zeitlose und umweltfreundliche Produkte entwickeln. Der übermäßige Konsum nicht nachhaltiger Modeprodukte liegt in unserer Verantwortung als Marke. Wir verwenden die innovativsten und umweltfreundlichsten Materialien, die uns zur Verfügung stehen, um Veränderungen anzuregen. Wir sind bestrebt, uns ständig weiterzuentwickeln, sobald neue Materialien verfügbar werden.



Wir verwenden MIRUM® und ECONYL® als Hauptmaterialien zur Herstellung unserer Taschen. Es handelt sich um einige der innovativsten verfügbaren Materialien, die mit Respekt für den Planeten hergestellt und auf Kreislaufwirtschaft ausgerichtet sind.


Wir arbeiten mit kleinen Fabriken in Europa zusammen. Dies hilft uns, alle Schritte in der Lieferkette besser zu verstehen, da die Struktur weniger Schichten aufweist.


Wir verwenden in unseren Produkten kein Leder, keine Federn oder Pelze tierischen Ursprungs. Sowohl MIRUM® als auch ECONYL® sind tierversuchsfreie Materialien, die mit Respekt für alle Menschen auf dem Planeten hergestellt werden.


Operating with planetary respect to create value and beauty. It all begins with your values and then we build our policies, translate our research and tight sourcing operations, and continue with ongoing work towards a circular fashion industry as our goal. 

The fashion industry has an enormous impact on the environment and therefore it has a great impact on climate which we are committed as a brand to reduce by taking action and materializing our goals and to regenerate the health of Earth and its inhabitants.



At ASK Scandinavia, we prioritize human welfare and health in our supply chains. We consciously opt for short supply chains and exclusively collaborate with small factories, maintaining close
oversight of operations as a small brand.

 Before forging partnerships, we extensively vet our manufacturing allies, ensuring alignment with our values through a comprehensive list of questions. Our selection process is grounded in rigorous research, emphasizing long-term relationships that are mutually beneficial.

Recognizing the complexity of supply chains, we streamline our collections, using minimal materials and favoring repeat styles for reorders with our trusted partners. This approach ensures a steady income stream and reduces resources spent on prototyping, fostering a harmonious working environment.

Through these efforts, we uphold high standards of social responsibility, prioritizing the welfare and health of all involved in our supply chain.

Our future efforts will include becoming Fair Wear Foundation members, this is not available to us at this time because of our small scale productions. Meanwhile, we work with Code of Conducts to align on standards.



MIRUM® ist ein 100 % biobasiertes Material, wie vom USDA zertifiziert. Verwenden Sie niemals Kunststoffe oder Petrochemikalien – um negative Auswirkungen wie Mikroplastik, giftige Chemikalien und Farbstoffe zu vermeiden, die am Ende der Lebensdauer auslaugen. MIRUM® ist eine plastikfreie, natürlich zirkuläre, kohlenstoffarme und rückverfolgbare Lederalternative.


ECONYL® ist ein Material von Aquafil. ECONYL® ist ein rückverfolgbares regeneriertes Nylon, das aus Nylonabfällen hergestellt wird, die sonst die Erde verschmutzen würden. Es kann immer wieder recycelt und neu erstellt werden. Unsere Taschen sind abwischbar, um die Verschmutzung durch Mikroplastik zu reduzieren.


Für die Auskleidung aller ECONYL®-Produkte verwenden wir GRS-zertifiziertes Polyester.

Für die Auskleidung aller MIRUM®-Produkte verwenden wir GOTS-zertifizierte Baumwolle.


Wir verpacken alle Bestellungen in recycelbaren Papierumschlägen und Kartons aus recycelten Materialien.



Gemeinsam mit unseren Fabriken führen wir kreative Musterzuschnitte durch, um den Schnittabfall zu reduzieren. Zum Beispiel, Holly, unser Kartenhalter ist zwischen Willow und Clover ausgeschnitten. Wir sind kein trendorientiertes Unternehmen im Sinne von Farben. Dadurch ist es uns möglich, unseren übrig gebliebenen Stoff- und Materialbestand kontinuierlich wiederzuverwenden. Wir ermutigen alle unsere Fabrikpartner, sämtliche Schneidabfälle zu recyceln. Wir verkaufen alle unsere Muster im Musterverkauf oder spenden sie für wohltätige Zwecke, sodass wir kein einziges Produkt verschwendet haben. Was die Reparatur von Produkten betrifft, können wir derzeit Reparaturdienste in Finnland anbieten, unser Ziel ist es jedoch, diesen Service so schnell wie möglich auszuweiten. Bald starten wir auch den Wiederverkauf unserer Produkte. Für Reparaturen können Sie sich gerne an info@askscandinavia.com wenden.



We run seasonless collections to mitigate over development, overproduction and material waste.

Our products have high European quality, made to last and be passed on. We are working on resale solutions to extend the life of our products but also to decrease the amount of new material used.

We produce small quantities in batches based on pre-orders to ensure we fight against overproduction and waste generation.

We design products to be cut on the off-cut material pieces and our factories recycle any off-cuts we are not able to use. We perform creative pattern cutting with our factories to reduce any cutting waste. For example, Holly, our card holder is cut out between Willow and Clover.

We are not a trend driven company in the sense of colors. This makes it possible for us to continuously repurpose our leftover fabric and material inventory.

We encourage all of our factory partners to recycle any cutting waste. We sell in sample sale or give to charity all our samples, so we have not wasted a single product.

When it comes to repairing products, at the moment we are able to offer repair services in Finland but our goal is to expand this service as soon as it possible.

We are also soon launching a resale for our products. For repairs, we welcome you to contact info@askscandinavia.com.



We are proud to say that all of our products are made in Finland and Italy. We consistently partner with small scale factories and workshops to ensure easier oversight of operations and a closer connection with the manufacturers.





Our goal is to become fully circular, design with durable, regenerative, and restorative materials that will enable circularity.

RESALE As a small and young brand, we do not
have enough product to engage with existing resale sites. Instead we are
working on solutions for our customers to sell their ASK products directly via
our website. In the meantime, we are establishing relationships with resale
platforms to have solutions ready when it becomes relevant.

REPAIR At this time we have repair services
available in Finland and we are working on extending this service to where our
customers live. In addition we work closely with our customers on an 1 on 1 to
support them with care guidance and instructions.

RECYCLABILITY As a small and young brand, we
haven’t accumulated a large enough amount of products to participate in the
available take back programs. But we are in conversation with NFW about taking
part of their take-back program when it becomes available for us. We are also
in conversation with disassembly partners that enable recycling for when that
becomes relevant in the future to ensure we are set up for circularity when it
is needed.

RENTAL We believe in sharing and co-owning for lowered impact of the fashion industry. As rental services grow in
Scandinavia and Europe we speak to solutions providers about near-future

RESTORE We launch limited edition capsules
with products using our own left over fabrics when this occurs. It is rare as we use a very narrow material portfolio to avoid any left over fabrics and instead select materials that will stay in our collections for the long term. In addition, we offer our customers to purchase any development samples from our website to reduce impact.



MIRUM is currently only available from Peoria, Illinois. As NFW scale and start producing in Europe, we will be one of the first to order from that manufacturing facility.

We strive to use 100% bio-based haberdashery for construction for our BIO-LEATHER Collection. We are in the progress of starting testing quality and performance where there are available bio-based solutions. Unfortunately, not everything is available in bio-based yet.

As we continue to operate, we keep striving for our goals to use regenerative and restorative materials.

The more we know, the more we can do. Therefore, as we grow we are looking to increase our efforts in transparency and traceability by giving all of our products a Digitial Product Passport and have already started conversations with solutions providers.

Measure our impact with a third party solutions provider. We aim to get started with one of the solution provers we are in conversation with in the near future.
